I pledged not to go political on facebook. Now, I will occasionally post something that I think transcends political. Gun control is not in my perspective a political issue as much as it is a legal issue of fundamental right, but I will still control my Facebook postings on the matter. Some things are truly political but to me are common sense, but I will keep them off Facebook. And, that means that the really political things end up here.
Opening Shots:
Brought to you today from Town Hall, if you have not clicked in your own email:NYC soda ruling just 'temporary setback'
and the law will reappear brought by the ghost of Elvis accompanied by Jimi Hendrix on guitar? Who is Bloomberg trying to kid? His greed for power is now sheerly lunatic as he continues to get away with grabbing rights. If I have the right to choose, that includes Big Gulps. And Super Big Gulps.Additional: A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum; Emperor Bloomberg was smacked down by a judge that saw a serious problem with separation of power with respect to the controversial large soda ban. The mayor who has taken the nanny state to a level rivaled only by President Obama wants to regulate what we eat, what we use to carry our food and other aspects of our lives that should be protected under that line about pursuit of happiness.In this new realm of redistribution of accountability, he figures Big Macs, Large Gulps, and handguns overpower human will and make us do evil things-he's here to protect us because he's a billionaire and must be smarter than the rest. Talk about executive privilege.The rest of Charles Payne's column compares Being a Man...Being a Jerk and is also worth reading
Do our elected officials really believe we are so beaten down that we will forget our rights?
The rule was so absurd it brought together an eclectic bunch to fight back. Action was brought by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (represents 200,00 Hispanic businesses), the Soft Drink and Brewery Workers Union, the Teamsters, the National Association of Theater Owners of New York State, the National Restaurant Association, and the New York Korean-American Grocers Association (representing 4,000 Korean-American grocery, deli and store owners in New York City).
Medicare: Did You Really Pay For That?
No. I am sure, arithmetically, that I didn't. In high school, 1963-64, we debated Medicare as the national topic. It was a bad idea then, it's a bad idea now. But, after 50 years of getting used to it and not figuring out anything else to do, we are stuck with it. When life deals you lemons - hey, free lemons!
Speaks completely for itself. Remember, the number is 1.5 billion rounds. For the Social Security Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Park Service ...
If Obama doesn’t show any leadership on this matter it’s an opportunity for. Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, to summon Secretary Napolitano over for a little … national conversation. Madame Secretary? Buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and deploying armored personnel carriers runs contrary, in every way, to what “homeland security” really means. Discuss.
Kim Jong Un, revoked the Korean War armistice
Anyone remember the Korean "Police Action"? Some of us do. I was actually alive then but hardly remember anything about it, other than it was really not nice and was quite a bit uglier than "the big ones", WWI and WWII. Now you have a nation of desperate people led by a total lunatic (Dennis Rodman's buddy?). All bets are off.'Killer dolphins' escape from handlers
NOT a joke. The finest trained dolphins in the navy armed and dangerous free on the high seas. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up, people!
Educational Rot
Like this is something we didn't know; but, it is still overwhelming to look at all of it altogether.Have a great day, folks!
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