23 May 2012

Trimming Twitter

Yes, I tweet. No, it is not an addiction for me as it is for some. However, I realized this morning that much of the junk I was reading I had originally "follow"ed because it sounded neat at the time and now it was pretty much a sea of drivel with a few, a very few, nuggets of wisdom included.

So, I "unfollow"ed some of my tweets. I didn't "block" anyone, but I unfollowed several people. I probably get unfollowed too, and for much the same reasons I used today. Too many tweets, too many times the same thing, obviously very reactionary and stuck on one point, and bitter comments about some of the people and movements they most radically oppose.

Those feelings are okay to have; but, expressing them all of the time to everybody else would not win any favor with Dale Carnegie; for sure you are not winning friends and influencing people with a lot of the tweets that I see.

Then there were a couple of the generically generated fact tweets. If they repeat the same facts over and over, and they tweet 18 times a day spouting only marginally interesting, if that, information, then it's out of my window for sure.

So, I am trimming down my input, and I hope to be appropriately pruning my output over the next several days.

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