12 December 2011

The Iowa Caucuses

The media blitz has now officially moved to Iowa for the next 3 weeks. Then, of course, there will be this massive sucking wind moving to the east instantaneously following the completion of our caucuses. Until then, though, the attention of the [liberal] media is focused on Iowa.

If they could be more condescending I don't know what it would look like. This time around they are treating us like real hicks. I think they fail to realize that the polls everybody keeps quoting are far from scientific and far from representative of Iowans in general. I know my wife and I hang up whenever we get called. Even the questions they ask are either insulting or leading (would you vote for Newt Gingrich over Barack Obama? Well, yes, but I would vote for a black mamba over a bushmaster, too).

The condescension is downright insulting. Eastern liberal media (Candy Crowley) skewered Herman Cain for not speaking the language of Washington politics. Too bad we cannot skewer the eastern liberal media for not speaking heartland English. What the political reporters believe to be the middle class, and, indeed, what may be the middle class in Washington, D.C., is far from the true middle class in Iowa. People work. People are honest. We think it's fine that Tim Tebow thanks his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; hey, if he was thanking Allah, the Easternites would tell us we HAVE to let him do that - but with Obama's war on Christianity firmly implanted in what passes for their brains the attitude for the goose is 'way different than the attitude for the gander.

Probably what most irks me about this circus is their continually telling us how we are all rising to back Newt Gingrich. Are they serious? Where have they been for the last year when everyone around me has been talking about Ron Paul? Didn't they notice that Michelle Bachmann is still hanging around Iowa with a smile on her face? Why do they think Perry and Romney are still dumping millions of dollars of ads into this hickville? The answer, of course, to the actions of the media is that they are a part of the re-election plan (remember the "committee to reelect the President, aka CREEP?). Obamites truly believe that Iowa Republicans are stupid and gullible enough to go for Newt Gingrich if led that way, and Barry Hussein himself knows that Newt would have a hard time beating his way out of a wet paper sack, let alone being able to beat the worst president since Buchanan (we are now talking poll numbers FAR worse than George H.W., who really wasn't that bad, or James Earl, Jr. Personally, I would jump at the chance to re-elect Jimmy to another term over Obama.

And, as I point out, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I will likely make an effort to caucus with the Republicans; there is no opportunity to caucus for my Constitution Party as we are not yet of sufficient size in Iowa. There will be the opportunity to vote for our candidate who has not been selected yet - we wait until the convention, a somewhat unique and misunderstood process in this day and age.

Well, that gets my juices flowing for the week. If I blog later this week it probably should be and likely will be about what we all should REALLY be doing for Christmas. Think about it.

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